What Shipment does Mavara Provide?

Our main shipping partner is UPS, ensuring timely delivery. Normal order processing takes 1-2 business days, but during promotional events like our Archive Sale, it may extend to 3-4 business days. Mavara ships
Monday through Friday, excluding US federal holidays. Enjoy economy shipping at $5, standard shipping at $9.90, and express shipping at

Until the official brand launch, all your orders will be treated as pre-orders. Benefit from exclusive discounts, and while delivery takes a bit longer, it's worth the wait. Upon order placement, you'll receive an email confirmation, and all orders will be shipped on 04-10-2024. Note that both the discount and pre-order options will be deactivated on 04-09-2024.

Do you only sell iPhone cases?

Yep, currently, we sell iPhone 14, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Pro, and 15 Pro Max cases. BUT, fear not! We've got this nifty universal tether tab that can be used on any phone model and case - from iPhone to Android to Samsung

Can I use your straps even if I don't have an iPhone?

Yes! We've got this nifty universal tether tab that can be used on any phone model and case alike - from iPhone to Android to Samsung

Are your straps limited?

We craft our straps in small batches, meticulously selecting fabrics for their exclusivity, quality, and design. Embracing the ethos of slow fashion, we intentionally keep our production limited. If you find a
strap that speaks to you, seize the moment, as most patterns won't make a return appearance. The only exception is our fixed collection,
featuring straps crafted entirely from leather.

How do I initiate a return?

We accept returns as long as you comply with our return policy.
You have 30 days from the date you receive the order and the cases,
unless it is our error due to model confusion, are not refundable. To
make the return, it is very simple, the return label will be included in
your order. If you have any problem please contact info@mavarabrand.com

Do we sell our products to wholesalers and boutiques?

Yes! Please contact info@mavarabrand.com to inquire.